Million-Dollar Success Series Recap
Welcome to day ONE of “Sandra Yancey’s Million-Dollar Success Series” recap. This is a series I do only 3 times a year where every day for 1 week I interview on a global web call various masters and thought leaders in business and life. These are people who are my own personal mentors and femtors who have helped me grow eWomenNetwork into a global multi-million-dollar company.
Research shows that how you begin your day will define your day! How you start your day is how you’re going to live your day. One small thing can change everything.
Let’s Start With This … Smile.
As Phyllis Diller said, a smile is the only crooked line that sets everything straight.
Let’s determine that today is a good day. And that thinking about a bad day yesterday is NOT an option. You have to make up your mind right now that nothing that comes your way is going to steal your joy! And that anything that may be amiss in your life right now is not happening TO you, they are happening FOR you.
3 Things You Need to Know for Success
A mindset that you can handle it.That handling whatever you may be going through requires nothing but three things:
An attitude that you will learn the skills you need to learn in order to handle what you’re handling with grace and ease.
And the confidence to know that your breakdowns don’t define you. Confidence, my friends, is not about being proud of yourself. It’s about believing in yourself. You are not your struggles, your disappointments, your meltdowns, letdowns or your slowdowns. You are not alone. EVERY master was once a disaster.
That’s what differentiates a pro from an amateur. A pro notices EVERYTHING she is going through and learns from it. A pro understands that everything she is going through is something that she needs to know and learn from because she will most likely see it again. A pro knows that when she sees it again, she will handle it better because it is familiar. She has learned from her past and will improve upon them. So you see, every master was once a disaster.
Where do you see that you need more confidence in your life? Comment below.
To Thine Own Self Be NICE!
Success is ultimately about preparation. Remember that “the separation is in the preparation.” That’s right … that’s the point of differentiation between those who make it and those who don’t. So trust that your breakdowns will lead to breakthroughs and your break-evens are leading you to breaking records!
“Man” has made everything move so fast … and we unconsciously drive our bodies on the highways of life and our minds on the super information highways of technology. The universe knows that sometimes we need to slow down to make sure life isn’t running us, but that we are running our lives. And with that comes choices, lessons and the need to prepare to ensure we remain in charge of our destiny.
Explosion of Greatness
My Million-Dollar-Success-Series is about you drinking from the well! My success masters and my friends are FULL, and they are overflowing and are ready to pour into you. Let this be an explosion of greatness that is about to occur in your life.
This series is about breaking through … taking YOU to the next level.
This series is not about baby steps. I mean, honestly, who has time for that!
This series is about taking a quantum leap in our life – an absolute quantum leap both personally and professionally.
Where Your Energy Goes, Grows
I just wrapped up a 30-city tour about 30 days ago. I speak to thousands of entrepreneurs. I take questions from the audience. The main theme of the questions is: “Sandra, how do you do it? How do you balance it all? How have you built a million-dollar business out of nothing – all while staying married and raising kids?” The underlying question is really, “How do you keep balance in your life? Balance is clearly the yearning that so many of us want to know how to do!
Well, first, let me say you must fundamental adopt an attitude and mindset that balance does exist! Wh6y? Because what you give energy to has power of you! Where your energy goes is what grows. This series is about balance … it’s about taking time to focus on you and your dreams and what you want in your life. And together we will begin making it happen. Each and every single day, there will be a “call to action.”
Mindset, Clarity, Choice and Action
This series is not a B-12 shot in the arm. This isn’t about motivation and rah-rah. That’s ok, but it wears off in about 15 mins. This series is about mindset, clarity, choice and action!
So, let me ask you, “Are you really ready for a breakthrough? You have to claim it. It all begins in our minds. A great mind is like a great fortune, but you have to grow your mind so you can grow your life. You need to tell your PAST, “Thanks for the lessons,” and tell your FUTURE, “I’m ready! I’m ready for a breakthrough!”
Are you ready for a breakthrough? Tell us about it below!
I’m Ready for a Breakthrough..Say it Loud!
I encourage you to say the words out loud, whether you’re in a room full of people or by yourself. (Come on, don’t tell me I’m the only one that talks to myself out loud?!) Say it, “I’m ready for a breakthrough!”
Many of you have asked me, “Sandra, how can I get access to your inner circle, your personal network?” Guess What? Now with technology, it’s possible! If you were on our call, you would have seen the chat box. People from all over the world convened on each day, in that moment..together! Technology has given us the ability to be together to create this important, powerful and special on-line community!
It’s no small feat to wrangle YOU with everything you have on your plates right now. And it’s no small feat to wrangle the Success Masters who are participating in my Million-Dollar-Success-Series. Honestly, I am telling you, I have picked four of the most powerful people I know, that have influenced me in my life both personally and professionally. Laura Herring, Hyrum W. Smith, Zenovia Andrews and Lisa Sasevich.
No One Makes it Alone
I know I certainly did not get to where I am today by myself! I mean, statistically, I had every reason to fail. I’m a small town Midwestern girl. My father died when I was 5 years old – on my birthday. My mother, who is from Mexico, really struggled after that. She didn’t even have a driver’s license. And there she was, left to raise three kids. My brother, Ricky, had a major heart defect and needed multiple open-heart surgeries. No one in my family had gone to college. I was raised on welfare for a number of years. Even our church sent St. Vincent DePaul, an organization that worked closely with our church and provided groceries for the poor. When you are brought up living in a “surviving” mentality, it doesn’t necessarily create a “thriving” mentality. I wasn’t predisposed to the place I am living now.
My Greatest Lesson
The greatest lesson in my life, perhaps, is that you can’t build a million-dollar dream hanging around minimum wage mindsets. I studied with the greats … like Zig Ziglar. When I was 19 years old, my husband and I went to see him at our hometown Convention Center. That one event changed EVERYTHING!
I saw how getting access to him, his thinking and his wisdom impacted me. And, being raised with the value that “To whom much is given, much is required,” I believe it is my responsibility to bring some of the most influential people in my life today to YOU. These amazing multi-million to billion-dollar Success Masters have each profoundly impacted me and now I want to bring them to you!
Master Lineup
The rest of the week I will provide highlights from each of the calls with the Masters on my Million-Dollar-Success-Series in our eWN Blog. The order is as follows:
Tuesday – Laura Herring
Wednesday – Hyrum Smith
Thursday – Zenovia Andrews
Friday – Lisa Sasevich
Remember, not everything you read will be for you. It’s not about “everything.” It’s about that one thing that can change everything!
Today’s call-to-action is, “I give myself PERMISSION TO …” Please answer in the comment section below and post on social media with the hashtag #2YourSuccess!
Author, Sandra Yancey Founder & CEO, eWomenNetwork

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